Saturday, October 11, 2008


Watch Tanabe by Dr. Mongo

As he circled in his eighties,
A reluctant, misty rain baptised his untimely death,
Washed his blood and bits of gray matter
into the guts of a wide-mouth, highboy gutter.

After that day, I wondered: Did he have time to think,
"What's happening?" As his skull was pounded
into kaleidoscopic fragments - body, buckled beneath
an unprovoked barrage of blows upon his person.
Or did he not have time to think at all,
as he crouched at death's curb,
perhaps, idled in senility, waiting for ol' three-eyes,
to green him across the street?

Are you on the other side, Tanabe,
resting peacefully in the bosom-tree
of the Buddha-Christ?
amid lush green gardens,
polka-dotting profuse valleys
Far, far away from that dark evil,
whose hands violently clutched and swung
that cold, hard lead pipe,
cancelling out your hopes and dreams
beneath the rising sun?

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