Sunday, July 18, 2010

two lines a day or more

In the lens of my camera I captured the fluttering of a butterfly. My friend winked at me before he died. When reaching into my full pocket, I knew emptiness. In the beginning God created consciousness and dreams. Two lines a day - confining, Three line a day -refreshing. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, A smile a day keeps anger at bay. Wisdom comes with age, so does foolishness. Big Brother is a monster with two horns and a forked tongue. Politics and religions are void of justice. The Creator is an androgynous entity. Mongo gives and Mongo takes away. Anger poisons the blood and numbs the mind. Each second of sleep equals an hour of death. Gambling is the surest way to win or lose. A sincere smile is an expression of loving wholeness. Achivement is colorblind. Lunacy is the absence of sanity. Most humans have a brain without the means to use it. I'd rather have a hundred days with my animals driving me crazy than one day without them. Friendship is neither cheap nor expensive. The measure of ones worth is measured by ones worthliness. Neither the tongue nor mouth are discriminatory when it comes to cunnilingus and fellatio. I pray fifty times a day for world peace. We all need a little poison in our lives. Your neurosis is my psychosis. Forgive me for trying to help you. Sometimes it's advantageous to brave a cowards mien. Mindful forgetfullness is one path leading to the fountain of youth. Always try having a big heart and a concrete mind. Sometimes generalities are profound. I'm forever dancing on the arch of a rainbow. Cutting a cats claw is inhufeline. At the start of any bout the outcome is known. Imitation is a form of thievery. Trusting can be a form of self-punisment. A programmed mind can not expand. Stages are to pass through not to remain in. No human is born standing on two feet. The devil is commercial-minded. He advertises. Guilt is for those with a conscience.

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