Thursday, November 20, 2008

What Thoughts Are

Ever wonder where thoughts come from,
especially, weird, extraneous thoughts,
seemingly, without rhyme or reason;
harmful, destructive thoughts,
dark and challenging as Rorschach inkblots?

Ever wonder where thoughts retire,
when put to rest from baggaged memory,
never to resurface unless in life's fleeting passage
or a terrifying bump in the night?

Thoughts are phantasmagorical gossamers,
independent of synaptic impulses,
an immeasurable expanse of infinity,
residing in spatial adumbrations.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

How To Recognize An Alien

Coming Soon: How To Recognize An Alien

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Safe think,
Think safe thoughts,
being wary, but unsuspicionly alert,
Watch and beware
of who's behind you -
living on the edge out to get you,
anyone will do.
She's out there,
He's out there,
to even some score...
becoming unhinged
going on a binge
mad at the world,
shaking skintight fist at fate,
self, Gods.